Honored for High-Quality, Affordable, Patient-Centered Care
Edinger Medical Group Honored for High-Quality, Affordable, Patient-Centered Care
Integrated Healthcare Association’s Excellence in Healthcare Award Recognizes Provider Organizations for Achieving Top Marks Simultaneously on Quality, Patient Experience, and Cost
Fountain Valley, Calif.—Edinger Medical Group was one of 19 provider organizations statewide to receive the Excellence in Healthcare Award from the Integrated Healthcare Association (IHA) for their performance on clinical quality, patient experience, and cost measures in Measurement Year 2022.
Part of IHA’s statewide Align. Measure. Perform. (AMP) Program, the Excellence in Healthcare Award recognizes provider organizations that perform in the top 50 percent in all three major AMP areas: clinical quality, patient experience, and total cost of care.
Of the nearly 200 provider organizations statewide participating in the AMP Program, only 19 attained Excellence in Healthcare Award performance standards for their care of patients with Commercial HMO coverage.
“We are honored to be recognized for improving healthcare quality, making sure patients have a good care experience and working to keep care affordable,” said Robyne Thibodeau, Edinger Medical Group’s Executive Director of Clinical Services.
“California’s healthcare providers have shown unwavering commitment to serving our communities, providing high-caliber healthcare services, and enhancing systems to improve patient care” says Anna Lee Amarnath, MD, MPH, general manager of IHA’s AMP program. “IHA is committed to partnering with industry leaders to support healthcare providers and their focus on the quality improvements that have the biggest impact on health outcomes.”
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About IHA’s AMP programs
IHA’s Align. Measure. Perform. (AMP) programs use a fair and transparent approach to measurement and benchmarking to create a reliable assessment of performance for medical groups, and IPAs across health plans. The AMP programs are recognized nationally for partnering with organizations across California and the nation to drive meaningful changes that reduce costs and improve healthcare quality and outcomes. Paired with the insights from IHA’s California Regional Health Care Cost & Quality Atlas, the AMP programs help partners reduce the reporting burden for payers and providers by using a standard measure set to deliver objective data and analysis that support performance improvement. For more information, visit www.iha.org
IHA Media Contact
Ashley Burkett, Director of Marketing and Communications
180 Grand Ave, Suite 1365
Oakland, CA 94612